1 Feb 2012

beauty | Coconut Oil

Surprisingly, One of the first things that inspired me to start blogging again was this exact miracle in a jar. I'm not usually one to shove my beliefs or opinions down anyone's throat, but after starting to incorporate Virgin Coconut Oil into my daily activities, I'm here to preach about it.

A co-worker of mine, Cierra, suggested that I purchase this after I came into work one day complaining about my skin and hair troubles. She told me it was the most amazing thing she'd ever used on her skin and that her skin has never in her life been in such good condition. I took it into consideration, but I'm always one to covet after the most expensive creams and face washes on the market only to buy the dupe of them and cry in misery when they don't give me the results I want.

Now, I've never really had problematic skin as far as acne and oiliness goes, but, (especially during the winter months,) my skin is always feeling incredibly dehydrated and sensitive. If something irritates my skin, instead of pimples, I'll get a rash of white bumps across my face that look like craters. So, after one of these particular break outs, (I'm still not certain what caused it), I did some research on Coconut Oil.

The amazing benefits had me sold and I immediately left my computer and ran over to the health food store to purchase a jar and now, like Cierra, I have never been more pleased with my skin or hair in my life. I slather it all over my body before bed and after a good loofa scrub, I spread some on toast in the mornings with a delicious cranberry egg, (recipe coming soon!) I do a hair treatment with it once a week, I use it to replace butter in many recipes... it really, really is a wonderful product.

Anyway, I won't make this post longer than necessary, but inform yourself and for the love of God, buy a jar!

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